Digital Chops Won’t Save Sh*t Sales People

  Basically, this quick read boils down to a one-line, even quicker read: digital is just another tool kit.   There are a lot of sales people out there with an ‘all the gear, no idea’ approach to digital – they’ve scraped together solid, high-value networks...

Useless Frontline Sales and Marketing Teams? It’s All Your Fault.

  NEWSFLASH: Sales and frontline marketing pros who aren’t properly equipped to socialize and share their (your) messaging are more or less useless.   And whose job is it to ensure that they are properly equipped? You can point at enablement all you like, or...

Too Many Tools Spoil the Sale

  Frequent readers of this blog might be rolling their eyes and going “Oh, he can’t go round calling people tools, that’s just not on…” but rest assured I’m not. This week we’re talking sales tools – programmes for...