Leadership & That General Election Decision

  Theresa May has called a snap election. You may have heard that already. It’s a good call – negotiating and implementing Brexit will be easier with a larger majority and a clearer public mandate. And the Tories are pretty much guaranteed more seats since Labour...

Sales Die, Grow Up

  Losing a big deal can be a nightmare, right? For your organisation, sure, and for you as a leader – if it’s big enough the chances are the buck stops with you. But that’s no excuse for failing to manage your people properly when things go belly up.   Come...

Time To Clear Your Pipeline…

You’ve got a stacked pipeline just now. Feels good, doesn’t it? Plenty to lean on in forecasts, plenty to blame when your forecast is a million miles off, plenty to chew over in pipeline reviews. But none of it is real – none of it really counts. All a busy pipeline...