by WBAdmin | Oct 20, 2017 | The Changing Face of Sales, Visual Communication, Whiteboard Presentations, Whiteboarding
“PowerPoint makes us stupid.” Gen. James Mattis, retired US Joint Forces Commander PowerPoint presentations are “easy for the presenter, but difficult for the audience.” Jeff Bezos, CEO Amazon How are we STILL having this conversation? At best...
by WBAdmin | Sep 28, 2016 | Leaders & Leadership, Sales Enablement, Visual Communication
“PowerPoint makes us stupid.” Gen. James Mattis, retired US Joint Forces Commander Last week I was in a meeting, and things were going OK… until PowerPoint reared its ugly head. I immediately shut down, went to my happy place and zombie-nodded my way through 45...
by admin | Jul 14, 2015 | Improvement, Marketing, Sales Enablement, Sales Managers, Sales People, Visual Communication
“We Have Met the Enemy and He is PowerPoint” NY Times Headline, 2010 An article I read this week told me that the “NASA report on the 2003 crash of the Columbia space shuttle indicated engineers had become too reliant on presenting complex information in jumbled...
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