For many, the idea of using a whiteboard to help socialize and share a value proposition with a customer will be a new one.

Whiteboards are popular tools within the tech community, and are most often used by people as they brainstorm or think through their ideas. Typically, the information drawn on a whiteboard is improvised and thought up in the moment (“Eureka!”) – as might also be presented by sketching an idea on the back of a napkin. It is a fact, most people’s experience of whiteboarding would reflect this ad-hoc, impromptu approach.

This typical, practical and natural method of use is one of the reasons why selling and explaining with a prepared Whiteboard Strategy is so effective: minds open up as the participants engage with the problem being presented to them and they become receptive to, and appreciative of, the idea, the complication, the challenge, or the solution that is being developed on the whiteboard. Participants (and their minds) are ‘primed’ for creative problem solving. Indeed, the purpose of whiteboarding is to harness and leverage this potential.

Our typical customers appreciate our ability to present ideas and insights fluently in both technical, operational and commercial terms. Indeed, it is vital that we speak to our customers in a way that demonstrates our understanding and appreciation of their own unique world, their responsibilities, their marketplace, their challenges, their wants and needs – and their desire to succeed in their work.

It is with this in mind that we have developed a whiteboarding technique and a series of whiteboard strategies. They are designed to provide you with a platform to explain a specific, current, live and trending requirement: Practice your whiteboarding pitch and then begin to socialize and share it with your customers and prospects.