THe IoT is Finally Getting Interesting

Forgive the Youtube screenshot above – this piece isn’t about weaponizing your coffee pot at all – but it does prove a point: the Internet of Things is just starting to get interesting. I say just – I’m sure the less IoT-savvy among you are probably going “Come on...

Time To Clear Your Pipeline…

You’ve got a stacked pipeline just now. Feels good, doesn’t it? Plenty to lean on in forecasts, plenty to blame when your forecast is a million miles off, plenty to chew over in pipeline reviews. But none of it is real – none of it really counts. All a busy pipeline...

Rockstars on the Sales Floor

  There are sales people, and there are sales people. For example, I often end up talking about the blue suit, white shirt, red tie salesman in my presentations and training. He drives a BMW – nothing too flashy, maybe a nice three series – has a Labrador and a...