by admin | Jun 15, 2015 | General, Improvement, Sales People
Last year we wrote about how Kim Kardashian’s internet-breaking bum had pipped the Philae comet lander to a lot of front pages online. The aftershock from ‘that’ photoshoot lasted a few weeks – significantly longer than the 60 hours of life the Philae lander had in it...
by admin | Jun 9, 2015 | General, Improvement, Sales People
My answer to that classic sales pitch question “What keeps you awake at night?” is simple: usually the radio. Where normally I drift in and out of sleep in the wee hours soundtracked by Planet Rock’s typically restful graveyard shift – Deep Purple, Sabbath…...
by admin | Jun 1, 2015 | General, The Changing Face of Sales
Forgive the Youtube screenshot above – this piece isn’t about weaponizing your coffee pot at all – but it does prove a point: the Internet of Things is just starting to get interesting. I say just – I’m sure the less IoT-savvy among you are probably going “Come on...
by admin | May 26, 2015 | General, The Changing Face of Sales
I was forwarded an email by an old friend of mine the other day. He’s a construction director with a developer in the City (for all you Guardian readers, one of those ones that’s keeping London’s working classes off the property ladder – they’ve just sold over 60% of...
by admin | May 20, 2015 | Improvement, Sales Managers, Sales People
You’ve got a stacked pipeline just now. Feels good, doesn’t it? Plenty to lean on in forecasts, plenty to blame when your forecast is a million miles off, plenty to chew over in pipeline reviews. But none of it is real – none of it really counts. All a busy pipeline...
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